Dynamically Assigning Videos to a Player

This topic covers different ways that videos can be dynamically assigned to players.

You may have cases where you need to change the video associated with a player. For example, maybe the viewer has the ability to control which video they want to see. Maybe the video in the player is based upon which part of the site the viewer came from.

If you need to display different videos in a player, it is recommended to use one player and then dynamically change the video associated with the player.

The following techniques are outlined in this topic:

Content can also be dynamically assigned to a player using the Catalog API. For more information and sample code, see the developer document Dynamically Change Source Videos.

Passing the video ID as a URL parameter

You can change the video source for a player by passing the video ID as a URL parameter using the form ?videoId=YOUR_VIDEO_ID.


Passing the reference ID as a URL parameter

You can change the video source for a player by passing the reference ID as a URL parameter using the form ?videoId=ref:YOUR_VIDEO_REF_ID.


Modifying the embed code to supply a Video ID

You can assign a Beacon video to the player embed code directly using the video ID.

In-Page Embed Code

Add the attribute data-video-id="YOUR_VIDEO_ID" to the <video> tag:

<video-js   data-account="57838016001"
<script src="https://players.brightcove.net/57838016001/6e44f16e-31e9-48b2-83b9-6edd71217540_default/index.min.js"></script>

iframe Embed Code

Add ?videoId=YOUR_VIDEO_ID to the end of the URL in the src attribute for the iframe:

<iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/57838016001/6e44f16e-31e9-48b2-83b9-6edd71217540_default/index.html?videoId=68143720001'
 allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe>

Modifying the embed code to supply a Reference ID

You can assign a Beacon video to the player embed code directly using the reference ID.

In-Page Embed Code

Add the attribute data-video-id="ref:YOUR_VIDEO_REF_ID" to the <video> tag:

<video-js data-account="57838016001"
<script src="https://players.brightcove.net/57838016001/6e44f16e-31e9-48b2-83b9-6edd71217540_default/index.min.js"></script>

iframe Embed Code

Add ?videoId=ref:YOUR_VIDEO_REF_ID to the end of the URL in the src attribute for the iframe:

<iframe src='//players.brightcove.net/57838016001/6e44f16e-31e9-48b2-83b9-6edd71217540_default/index.html?videoId=ref:68143720001'
 allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe>