SSAI Performance Analytics

In this topic, you will learn how to use the Analytics module to monitor the performance of your ad configurations associated with Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI).


Brightcove Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) stitches ads into your content stream while it is being delivered. Because ad stitching happens on the server-side, SSAI works with any platform. For details about SSAI, see the Video Cloud SSAI Overview document.

SSAI Performance analytics are supported with the following:

  • Both VOD and live streams
  • Brightcove's web player, the Native SDKs, and Beacon apps
  • Video Cloud and remote assets

In Beacon Studio, within the Analytics module, the SSAI Performance section allows you monitor the efficiency of your ad providers and ad configurations. Here, you can track the performance and errors associated with your server-side advertising.


This feature is available to any customer who has SSAI enabled for their account. Contact your Customer Success Manager for the following:

  • Ensure your account is enable for Brightcove Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI).
  • Enable your account for SSAI Performance analytics.

Work flow

Follow this work flow to start seeing analytics data associated with SSAI:

  1. Create an ad configuration ( AdConfig) with tracking enabled. To do this, you will include the ad_tracking_sample_percentage parameter in the configuration.

  2. Associate the ad configuration with your player.

SSAI Performance

The SSAI Performance page provides a summary of ad requests, both success and errors.

SSAI Performance
SSAI Performance

Date range

Use the dropdown menu to select a pre-defined date range or enter a custom date or date range.

Date range
Date range

Data views

The data on this page shows the response codes from each request to your ad server. There are two points of communication with the ad server:

  • Ad Request - When the player makes a request for an ad
  • Ad Tracker - When ad tracking events are fired from the Brightcove SSAI server; these can include the following:
    • AdStart
    • AdComplete
    • AdfirstQuartile
    • Admidpoint
    • AdthirdQuartile
    • AdcreativeView

The page is broken into five sections of data:

  • SSAI request codes - All of the response codes from each request to your ad server, including success and error codes
  • Ad request errors by ad provider - A list of request errors sorted by ad provider
  • Ad request errors by ad configuration - A list of request errors sorted by ad configuration
  • Tracker errors by ad provider - A list of tracker errors sorted by ad provider
  • Tracker errors by ad configuration - A list of tracker errors sorted by ad configuration

Click view more to see more details.

Ad Error Codes

The SSAI Performance page provides a summary of ad requests, both success and errors.

Ad Error Codes
Ad Error Codes

Ad providers

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for a specific ad provider or show data for All ad providers.

Ad providers
Ad providers

Ad configurations

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for a specific ad configuration or show data for All ad configurations.

Ad configurations
Ad configurations

SSAI errors

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for Ad Request Errors, Ad Tracker Impression Errors, or show data for All SSAI Errors.

SSAI errors
SSAI errors

Data view

The graph shows the number of SSAI ad errors by date. The details display below the graph:

  • Request Code - The error code returned from the ad provider
  • # of Requests - The number of requests associated with the error code

Ad Provider Performance

The Ad Provider Performance page shows the number of successful ad requests and the number of errors associated with each ad provider. This allows you to quickly see the percentage of ad errors for each provider.

Ad Provider Performance
Ad Provider Performance

Ad configurations

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for a specific ad configuration or show data for All ad configurations.

Ad configurations
Ad configurations

All calls

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for All Tracker Impressions, All Ad Requests, or show data for All calls.

All calls
All calls

Data view

Here are the data details displayed on this page:

  • Ad provider - Your ad provider
  • Total calls - Total number of ad request calls
  • Errors - Number of ad request errors associated with the ad provider
  • Success - Number of successful ad request calls to the ad provider
  • Percent of total errors - The ratio of the total number of errors/total number of ad requests

Ad Config Performance

The Ad Config Performance page shows the number of successful ad requests and the number of errors associated with each ad configuration. This allows you to quickly see the percentage of ad errors for each configuration.

Ad Config Performance
Ad Config Performance

Ad providers

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for a specific ad provider or show data for All ad providers.

Ad providers
Ad providers

All calls

Use the dropdown menu to filter results for All Tracker Impressions, All Ad Requests, or show data for All calls.

All calls
All calls

Data view

Here are the data details displayed on this page:

  • Ad Configurations - A list of your ad configurations being used
  • Total calls - Total number of ad request calls
  • Errors - Number of ad request errors associated with the ad configuration
  • Success - Number of successful ad request calls associated with the ad configuration
  • Percent of total errors - The ratio of the total number of errors/total number of ad requests