Available functionality/information
This home page of the Layout module provides the following functionality/information:
Refresh apps cache
This refreshes the app cache so you can see your changes immediately. This process should not be done indiscriminately as doing this too frequently in production has an adverse effect on scalability and performance.

App Settings
Click the gear icon to open the App Settings page.

This is the App Settings page that appears upon click of the gear icon.

Page listing
Each page created is listed in the page list. The following details the listing:

- Click and Drag Handle: Icon (highlighted) indicating the page can be moved using click and drag. You can click anywhere on the page name to move it.
- Page Status Indicator:: Indicates the page status, from the following:
: Live
: Not available on web
: Unpublished
: Scheduled to go Live
- Page Title: Title of the page. On hover, you see the gray name below the title (825-DK-Home-(2)) is the system name of the page.
- Page Availability Indicator: If displayed, indicates availability settings are currently preventing the page from being displayed in the apps. The pop-up information indicates what restrictions are preventing availability, in this case Devices restrictions. Also in the pop-up is a link to the page where you can change availability restrictions.
- Duplicate Button: Click to make a duplicate of the page. The duplicate name is in the format Page Name (copy).
- Page Settings Dialog Button: Click to open the page settings dialog. Here you can change the page title, availability settings and archive the page.
Create page
to start the page creation process.
You then are asked if you want to create a MAIN MENU or SECONDARY page.

The difference being:
- MAIN MENU pages can be in the main navigation of your app, located at the top of the app (highlighted by red rectangle).
- SECONDARY pages can be used as custom View all pages, or placed in a playlist. For full details see the Managing Secondary Pages document.
Delete or restore archived pages
Click Archived Pages to display a list of all archived pages from which you can choose to delete or restore the archived page.