Understanding SCORM Integration

This is a technical document intended for customers seeking to better understand how the Brightcove Interactivity SCORM integration works, how to use it, and what end users can expect from the experience.

This document assumes a basic knowledge of Brightcove Interactivity features as well as Learning Management System (LMS) terminology.


The Brightcove Interactivity SCORM Integration Module allows Brightcove Interactivity users to export an interactive video lesson into an LMS. Learners can access the interactive video lesson and have their interactions recorded in the LMS gradebook for the assignment.


Brightcove Interactivity supports both SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. See the How Grading Works section for major differences.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Integration with supporting LMSs
  • Data captured in LMS gradebook
  • Lessons are still editable after embedding in LMS


  • You must have a Learning Management System that supports the SCORM Specification (either SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004)
  • You must have a valid Brightcove Interactivity license
  • You must have the Brightcove Interactivity SCORM module enabled on your Brightcove Interactivity account
  • Web browsers utilizing the solution must be HTML5 compatible
  • All connections to the solution must utilize HTTPS protocol
    • If you are using video resources hosted by a 3rd party (such as YouTube), you must ensure they are accessible over an HTTPS connection
  • Firewalls in place on the networks from which the solution is accessed must whitelist: "*.hapyak.com"


Contact your Brightcove Account Representative to enable the SCORM Integration module on your account.

Technical Specifications

SCORM Package

The downloaded zip package containing files necessary for your LMS to communicate with Brightcove Interactivity via the SCORM standard.

The SCORM package is not a static snapshot of your lesson. Changes made to your lesson after download will be published immediately. For this reason, you should be careful when editing lessons after they have been released on your LMS.

Object Model

  • SCORM enabled Group
    • Brightcove Interactivity Editor
    • Brightcove Interactivity Experience
      • Brightcove Interactivity Layout of type "Lesson"
        • Scoring Module (specified by Experience configuration)

How Grading Works

Brightcove Interactivity implements scoring algorithms that analyses viewing metrics or answered questions in order to derive the score value.

Grading Algorithms

  • Percent watched
    • Pass/Fail
      • ON - Score is 100% if user watches more than "completion percent threshold" (default is 70% of video), otherwise score is 0%
      • OFF - Score is equal to the percentage of the video watched
  • Gate until watched - Score is 100% if user watches more than "completion percent threshold" (default is 70% of video); user CANNOT submit until they watch to the threshold
  • Quiz Results - Score is number of questions correct over total questions

The score is calculated at the completion of the video when the learner presses the "Submit Score" button. Once a score has been submitted to the LMS Gradebook it cannot be resubmitted.

Differences in SCORM Versions:

Data is sent to the LMS

  • SCORM 1.2
    • All algorithms:
      • cmi.core.lesson_status
      • cmi.core.score.raw (total)

  • SCORM 2004
    • Time based algorithms:
      • cmi.completion_status
      • cmi.score.raw (total)
      • cmi.success_status
      • cmi.objectives.<N>.completion_status
      • cmi.objectives.<N>.description
      • cmi.objectives.<N>.id
      • cmi.objectives.<N>.score.max
      • cmi.objectives.<N>.score.raw
    • Quiz results:
      • All of the above
      • For each quiz question we also send:
        • the question text content as cmi.interactions.<N>.description
        • the answer text content as cmi.interactions.<N>.learner_response AND cmi.interactions.<N>.id because some LMSs do not have full SCORM 2004 support
        • The question objective as cmi.interactions.<N>.objectives.<M>.id

What this means...

  • No scores will be recorded in the LMS Gradebook unless the learner presses the submit button at the end of the video
  • A learner must complete any scoring requirements in one viewing. For example:
    • If a video contains 4 questions the learner is not allowed to answer 2 questions, leave, then come back later to answer the final 2 questions and submit their score. They must answer all 4 questions and submit their score in the same viewing.
    • If a score is awarded by watching 90% of the video, a learner must watch 90% of the video and submit their score during the same viewing.

End-to-End System Certifications

While all LMSs which support the SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 standards are expected to be fully compliant, the Brightcove Interactivity team has fully tested and certified the following major Learning Management Systems.

  • Moodle v.X

User Experience Narratives

The workflow for any learning management system is slightly different. The narratives below are here to conceptually describe the user experience and how it impacts the underlying system.

ROLE: Lesson Author

  • Login to Brightcove Interactivity
  • Create Lesson Experience projects
    • In the left navigation, click on Experiences and then select All Experiences.
    • Click New Experience and enter a name for your experience.
    • In the list of experience types, choose Lesson.
    • Click Next and select one or more projects to add to the Lesson Experience.
    • Configure additional settings as necessary and finalize by clicking Create.
  • When finished authoring:
    • Click “Embed” then “SCORM” (if in a new Project, click “Generate”)
    • Choose a SCORM version then click Download
    • Upload the downloaded zip file into your LMS as an assignment
      • Due to the variety of LMSs available, we cannot add further detail on this point

ROLE: Learner

  • Log in to the LMS
  • Access an assignment containing a Brightcove Interactivity Lesson
  • Watch the video and answer any in-video questions
  • Click the Submit button
    • Warning message alerts learner that they are turning in their assignment for credit; Learner must click Submit again to confirm submission.
  • At this point their numeric grade is calculated based on the implemented algorithm and sent to the LMS Gradebook
  • Assignment resubmission is controlled by the LMS. An LMS can allow multiple attempts per lesson but Brightcove Interactivity will only allow one score per attempt
  • The Learner can review their score in the LMS gradebook

Learning Management Systems known to support SCORM

  • Moodle (SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004)